Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sickle Cells And Sickle Cell Trait - 2021 Words
Normal red blood cells are shaped like discs and look like donuts with no hole in the middle. They are rich in hemoglobin and carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which the red blood cells become sickle shaped, or shaped like a crescent. Sickle cells also become sticky and tend to block the blood flow to the limbs and organs (â€Å"What is Sickle Cell Anemia?†). People who have sickle cell trait (SCT) do not have the disease, but instead are carriers of it. Most people who have SCT live their lives completely symptom free, however there are some complications that are associated with sickle cell trait. People who have the trait must be careful when they are completing strenuous exercise and when dehydrated. These cases, in extreme form, can lead to complications of sickle cell disease, and even death (â€Å"What You Should Know About the Sickle Cell Trait†). Athletes with the sickle cell trait must be careful when exercising because their blood cells may start to sickle. According to CBSSports, â€Å"It is known that sickle cell trait has been the leading cause of non-traumatic deaths among Division I college football players since 2000.†Football players in Division I programs, typically in southern states, are especially at risk if they have the sickle cell trait. This is because during preseason, when the temperatures are still well above the 80 degree mark, athletes tend to become more dehydrates, and the toll on their bodies isShow MoreRelatedSickle Cells Anaemia And The Sickle Cell Trait910 Words  | 4 Pages UNDERSTANDING SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA AND THE SICKLE CELL TRAIT Introduction Sickle Cell Anaemia is the commonest of most severe form of Sickle Cell Disease. SCD is a collective term for hereditary haemoglobinopathies caused by the inheritance of a mutated haemoglobin allele (sickle haemoglobin-HbS) in the erythrocytes. 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